Sunday, June 22, 2008

PS3 no screen

It seems like it was just last month that I had to send in my PS3 for repair........ oh wait, IT WAS LAST MONTH!!! And now there's something wrong again!! Left the PS3 to download the update file for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (total download takes many many hours), came back an hour later and there was no screen or sound. The system still operates, and I'm able to start & shut down the system just fine, but NO PICTURE. Gonna unplug the system's power over night and hope it'd reset itself. I'll be making some demands this time if I have to call Sony again, 3 break downs in 6 month (4 total to date) is simply unacceptable. Maybe I should post my experience in a public forum, internet publicity seems to work pretty well in pushing companies to work faster these days.

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